Property Management

A Regional Leader

Based in Cleveland, Ohio, Midwest Realty Advisors provides integrity based property management services throughout the Midwest and in some areas of the Western United States. We manage diverse multi-family properties ranging from affordable, housing tax credit and conventional apartment buildings. Midwest Realty Advisors also provides management services for condominium and homeowner associations.

Strategic Advantage

With diverse experience and a deep understanding of the local markets, Midwest Realty Advisors employees have an uncanny ability to think globally while overseeing the assets we manage. We make it our business to stay abreast of current trends in leasing, brokerage and real estate investments and have the ability to dissect markets quickly.

Our extensive background allows us to take a strategic approach to fluctuating trends for the benefit of our clients. Having strong vendor relationships within the markets we serve also enables us to achieve cost savings and efficiencies for our clients and their investors.


At Midwest Realty Advisors, we believe what gets measured gets done. We consider our financial statements our report card. We supply accurate and comprehensive monthly financials in a clear, precise and reader friendly format. As our tenure with a property grows, we are able to offer additional analytical reports such as trends for cash, occupancy and collections.

Midwest Realty Advisors has become a recognized leader in the markets it serves by providing prompt, progressive and effective solutions for our clients, no matter what their property needs are.

            Retail & Commercial

            Condominium and Homeowner Associations






Contact Us

38046 Second Street
Willoughby, Ohio 44094
PH: (440)946-7023
Fax: (440)946-0862